Monday, March 30, 2009

Gluten-Free Tip: Bulk up on FOLATE

In my ongoing research of Celiac Disease I often come across one of the most common nutritional CD deficiencies: FOLATE, a B vitamin also known as Folacin and Folic Acid.

According to the Ohio State University Extension Fact Sheet on Nutrition, we need “Folate, a water-soluble vitamin, to help the body form red blood cells and aid in the formation of genetic material within every body cell.”

Below is a list of good gluten-free sources of FOLATE:

1)Chicken liver
3.5 oz
(193% daily value)

2) Braised beef liver
3.5 oz
(54% daily value)

3) Lentils, cooked
1/2 cup
(45% daily value)

4) Chickpeas
1/2 cup
(35% daily value)

5) Asparagus
1/2 cup
(33% daily value)

6) Spinach, cooked
1/2 cup
(33% daily value)

7) Black beans
1/2 cup
(32% daily value)

8)GF Burrito with beans
(30% daily value)

9) Kidney beans
1/2 cup
(29% daily value)

10) Lima beans
1/2 cup
(20% daily value)

11) Tomato juice
1 cup
(12% daily value)

12)Brussels sprouts
1/2 cup
(12% daily value)

13) Orange
1 medium
(12% daily value)

14) Broccoli, cooked
1/2 cup
(10% dialy value)



Unknown said...

thanks for the reminder!

Emily said...

Great to be reminded. Funny, I just posted my recipe for black beans and rice (that's 32%!).

Thanks for the post!

elizabeth atkinson said...

seems like these foods cover pretty much everything ;)

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