Saturday, November 19, 2011

FALL 2011 Schedule

I am hard at work at my next tween novel, but still visiting schools here and there. Please contact me ( if you are interested in learning more about my popular workshops and presentations!

Wednesday NOV 9th: GORDON COLLEGE (Wenham, MA)
Thursday NOV 10th: LANGLEY-ADAMS Library "Author's Night" (Groveland, MA)
Monday NOV 21st: GREAT SALT BAY Regional Middle School (Maine)
Tuesday NOV 22nd: CENTER for TEACHING and LEARNING (Maine)
Tuesday DEC 6th: NASHOBA REGIONAL (Bolton, MA)

Friday, April 1, 2011

Elizabeth's SPRING 2011 Schedule

Interested in having me visit your school or organization for a fun and free one-hour author presentation? Please contact me at for more information. Below are my scheduled upcoming Author Visits!

APRIL 5th - Portsmouth Middle School (8th grade)

APRIL 15th - Salisbury Elementary School (5th/6th grades)

APRIL 26th - Pine Grove Elementary School (5th/6th grades)

APRIL 29th/30th - NEWBURYPORT LITERARY FESTIVAL: "Read and Bead" Event (All Author Presentations FREE to the Public)

MAY 2nd - Newbury Elementary School (5th/6th grades)

MAY 14th - Water Street Bookstore (Exeter, NH) "READ & BEAD" Event (free, 2pm) - for more information call 603-778-9731

MAY 17th - Girl Scouts District Service Meeting (Kennett Square, PA)

MAY 17th - Unionville Elementary School (PA)

JUNE 7th - Pentucket Regional High School

JUNE 14th - Peabody Institute Library (West Branch) Tween Book Club!

JUNE 18th - Haverhill Community TV "Write Now" Program with Gayle Heney

June 22nd - Amesbury Middle School

JUNE 25th - Los Angeles Talk Radio "Two Talk Books" with Starla Faye

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

MARCH (free!) Events 2011

March 3 > GLEE! at Gluten-Free Fair (4- 7:30pm) ShopRite
(Enfield, CT)For more info: 860-745-1621

March 4 > Author Panel "How to Get Children's Books Published" (7pm w/reception) GAR Memorial Library (West Newbury, MA)

March 9 > School Author Visit! The ATKINSON School (Mass.)

March 29 > 5th Grade Book Club at North Andover Public Library

Coming in April... (click on Children/Teens)

Monday, January 31, 2011

Elizabeth's FEBRUARY Schedule

Feb 1 - Bagnall School 6th grade (Groveland, MA)

Feb 8 - Groveland Book Signing

Feb 10 - Milton Academy 5th grade (Milton, MA)

Feb 24 - Summit Academy 4th/5th/6th grades (Chandler, AZ)

(Coming up: March 4th - G.A.R. Memorial Library Panel "How to Get Published" )

Winter Int'l BLOG TOUR continues......

Please feel free to contact me about my NO-FEE one-hour author visit at

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Winter Dates (so far)

Jan - Molly Ockett Middle School (TBA)
Jan 11th - Seacoast Mother-Daughter Book Group
Jan 19th - Spofford School
Jan 23rd - WBZ 1030 Radio - Jordan Rich Show
Jan - Greater Hartford CT Celiac support group (TBA)
Jan 30th - River Run Bookstore (Portsmouth, NH) Reading and Signing at 2pm!
Feb 1 - Bagnall School
Feb 21 to March 1 - Touring Arizona!
March 4th - G.A.R. Memorial Library Panel "How to Get Published"
Winter Int'l BLOG TOUR continues......

Please feel free to contact me about an author visit!