Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Done with my next tween novel! Hopefully, it will be out this time next year :) Will keep you posted. Thanks for all the inquiries!!

Please contact me (elizabethatkinson2@gmail.com) about any book events, from tween book clubs to author fairs! I have visited more than 2500 middle school students (grades 4- 6) throughout the country - learn more about my popular WRITING WORKSHOPS and free presentations!

January 4: Langley-Adams TWEEN Book Club (Groveland, MA)
February 13 & 14: Writing Workshops at Great Salt Bay Middle School (Maine)
March 18th: Mother-Daughter TWEEN Book Club (Waban, MA)
April 4th: Portsmouth Middle School (New Hampshire)
April 12th: Gordon College - Middle School Teachers Book
Study (Mass)
April 18th (2-4): Book Signing! at New England Mobile Book Fair (Newton, MA)
April 24: Bristol School (Maine)
May 20: "Libraries United 2012" (Maine Library Association Conference)
June 11: Forest Hills School (St. John, New Brunswick, Canada)
July 2 - 3: Camp Susan Curtis (Stoneham, Maine)


Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to the library conference on Sunday!


elizabeth atkinson said...

Thanks, Abby! It was great meeting you - hope to visit your library in Ellsworth this year... EA

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